Pagina 24 ~ Dental West-Dental Travel-Zahn Tourismus-Dental Tourism-Turismo Dentario-Dentistry in Dracula's Land
Save 50% of your dental bill and at the same time spend a wonderful holiday in Romania
We will be your host and your advisor. We offer rezervation,accommodation and transportation. The only difference compared to Western is in price,not in standard and the Dental west guarantees perfect quality at exceptionally good prices.
Glauben Sie noch immer nicht, dass Sie 50% von Ihren zahnärztlichen Gebühren sparen können, indem Sie einen unvergesslichen Urlaub in Rumänien verbringen!Les services medicales en Roumanie sont avec presque 75% moins cheres que celle d'Union Eurppeenne.
Pagina 24 ~ Alte site-uri din categoria Cabinete / Clinici
Oftalux : Operatie miopie - Operatie astigmatismAviz psihologic pentru permis port-arma, auto, angajareCabinet Psihoterapie BunaplusCabinet individual de Psihologie, Consiliere - BrasovCabinet stomatologic Bucuresti implant dentar tratament paradontoza gingivita ozonoterapieClinica hemoroiziClinica de Chirurgie Estetica si Laser CLUJChirurgie Estetica IasiCLINICA DENTARA OMADENTConsiliere psihologica individuala, de cuplu sau familie, de grup, servicii selectie si recrutare personal, alte servicii resurse umane - BrasovCabinet medicina muncii Brasov - Medical Prevent - va ofera servicii specializate de medicina muncii la sediul companiei dvs.Clinica stomatologica Dacia Dental Clinic - ConstantaCoaching, Life Coaching, Team Coaching, Consiliere PsihologicaClinica Med Expert-Radiologie! - Imaginea ta digitala...Implante Antonescu - Experti in implante dentareOptica Negreanu Optinoe MasterAri PsihoterapieCentrul Medical AS - AIDE SANTEHomeopatieAlpha Medical Center - Servicii medicale de inalta calitateCabinet medical endocrinologie Craiova - Doctor David LauraPsihodinamic - Consiliere Psihologica si PsihoterapieCabinet Medical Dermatologie Dr. Viorica GabrianCabinet stomatologic - stomatologie BucurestiEstetique Dent - Clinica Stomatologie Constanta