Rent a car bucharest, Car hire and minibus rental.
We are a rent a car and rent a minibus (chaffeured driven protocol transportation) company founded in 2002 that always offered to its customers a very large selection of services. Our main activity objective is business class people transport, using a number of motorcars set up exclusively only of Mercedes Benz E Classe trade mark. All the vehicles have the manufacturing date between 2000 and 2001. We believe that we succeeded to achieve a level of services where every client can find the model of car best suited to his/her prefferences and needs. Alte site-uri din categoria Inchirieri masiniRent a car HunedoaraInchirieri masini Timisoara cu predare aeroportWest Rent a Car inchirieri auto in Timisoara si AeroportRent-a-Loganrentacar365 inchiriaza autoturisme in bucuresti-otopeniHermin Rent a car Clujrent a car romania, cheap deals promotor car rental bucharestRent a car Services in Constantarent a car in cluj oferim masini de inchiriat la aeroportServicii de Rent a car in MamaiaRent a car Aeroport BaneasaServicii de rent a car ConstantaRent a Car RomaniaMasini noi de inchiriat cu Premium RentRent a car OtopeniRent a carRent a car ConstantaInchirieri Auto - Swiso TimisoaraInchirieri Masini - Inchirieri Auto - Rent a CarInchirieri autoInchirieri auto Timisoara, rent a car aeroportRent a car Bucuresti ieftinServiciu de inchirieri masini de la Prima Transferrent a car bucuresti si otopenirent a car in bucuresti si otopeni
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