Pagina 8 ~ Rent a car bucharest, Car hire and minibus rental.

Rent a car bucharest, Car hire and minibus rental. | Generated by

We are a rent a car and rent a minibus (chaffeured driven protocol transportation) company founded in 2002 that always offered to its customers a very large selection of services. Our main activity objective is business class people transport, using a number of motorcars set up exclusively only of Mercedes Benz E Classe trade mark. All the vehicles have the manufacturing date between 2000 and 2001. We believe that we succeeded to achieve a level of services where every client can find the model of car best suited to his/her prefferences and needs.

Our personnel are trained to guarantee you a punctual professional service. Whether travelling in Romania or abroad, for business or pleasure, Rent-auto can meet all your travel needs. We know that we can count on the quality of the cars that we offer for rent because we operate only with the latest vehicles, guaranteeing to our customers a safe and confortable journey at all times. That is why we give maximum attention to the maintainance of our cars.

When you you are driven by us, you are enssured that you will get a car in its best condition and with all the supplementary options.

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