Pagina 8 ~ Rent a car bucharest, Car hire and minibus rental.
We are a rent a car and rent a minibus (chaffeured driven protocol transportation) company founded in 2002 that always offered to its customers a very large selection of services. Our main activity objective is business class people transport, using a number of motorcars set up exclusively only of Mercedes Benz E Classe trade mark. All the vehicles have the manufacturing date between 2000 and 2001. We believe that we succeeded to achieve a level of services where every client can find the model of car best suited to his/her prefferences and needs. Pagina 8 ~ Alte site-uri din categoria Inchirieri masiniMasini de inchiriatInchirieri autoCluj Inchirieri MasiniRent a carRent a Car TimisoaraInchirieri masini Timisoara.Rent a Car a carInchirieri maisni BaneasaInchirieri auto - Servicii de inchirieri masiniAutomotive - Inchirieri auto Bucurestiinchiriez-limuzina.roRent a car ClujAuto hire RomaniaInchirieri auto Bucuresti RentInchirieri masini OtopeniHappy Rent- inchirieri masini TimisoaraRENT A CARrent carsinchirieri auto-rent a carMady Rent a Car PitestiRent a car constanta, car rental constanta, rent ford constanta, rent hyundai constantaInchiriere soferi, inchirieri sofer, inchiriere soferi profesionistiGimco inchirieri masini, calitate europeana la preturile cele mai miciInchirieri Mercedes cu soferLORAN- CAR RENTAL MOLDOVA
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