Pagina 37 ~ GETION.RO
GETION SOFT is a custom software development firm located in Bucuresti, Romania. We create affordable software solutions for the unique needs of your business. We can help you apply existing and emerging technologies to realize a competitive advantage. We transform your website into a communications system that interacts with your customers and delivers business critical data across company operations. Main services include (for a full list see Services & Solutions): Custom application development for corporate, government, industrial, small business N-tier client/server, stand-alone and internet integrated desktop applications Web-based applications Database design and development User interface design Reporting and charting Data interchange Legacy system integration and migration http://www.getion.roPagina 37 ~ Alte site-uri din categoria Web designWeb Design AreaWeb DesignServicii webPromovare online - reclama in internet - campanii publicitare web - Free filehoster - Webspace gratuit - Websniper.euDirector web - inregistrare site gratuita - arhivarul.roOptimizare web sitenetmarktWeb design Bucurestiweb design Gheorgheni, Toplita, Miercurea Ciuc, Harghita dar si in taraPromovare online - reclama in internet - campanii publicitare web - 1level.euWise Studio - Web design, Hosting, SEO, Grafica/DTP, Comert electronicTouch Design RomaniaroWebIDAsoft BacauSmart Web Concept - Web Design, Magazine Virtuale, Grafica Publicitara, Baze de DateGETION.ROvreausieupeweb.roWeb Design RomaniaPersoana fizica - repar calculatoare,devirusez,instalez windows,programe si alteleterminus360Studio IT - Web design si hostingCum sa construiesti un site rapid so usorWebgrafix Design | Homesuna gratis
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